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Brak kontaktu z Tobą
Helpful Report
(Pl-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Drogi Rafał, Zawsze możesz skontaktować się z nami poprzez e-mail lub poprzez czat z menedżerem w sprawie Twojego roszczenia. Mamy również czat na żywo z operatorem i zawsze możesz się z nami skontaktować. Najlepsze pozdrowienia, Zespół AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
Impossible de valider les documents. J'ai essayé au moins dix fois.
Helpful Report
(Fr-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Cher Antoine, Votre demande a été reçue correctement et il n'y a eu aucun problème. Auriez-vous l'amabilité de préciser le problème que vous avez rencontré afin que nous puissions vous aider à le résoudre ? Cordialement , Équipe Air Advisor
Posted 2 years ago
at the beginning I was promised 200 euros, a week later I received an e-mail saying that I will receive 170 euros and now I receive 85 euros, it doesn't seem fair to me, and I really don't care that they hired the best lawyers, anyway they won 100 times more than the 200 euros promised at the beginning, I am totally disappointed I will not work with you anymore ...
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 2 years ago
Dragă Teodor George Spulber, Apreciem întrebarea dvs. despre taxe. Dorim să ne asigurăm că nu există nicio confuzie în ceea ce privește structura noastră de prețuri. Pentru a oferi o transparență deplină, facem lista noastră de prețuri disponibilă pe site-ul nostru la Această pagină oferă informații detaliate despre prețurile noastre și este accesibilă tuturor clienților fără costuri. În plus, luăm în serios comunicarea și ne propunem să menținem clienții informați. Puteți găsi informații despre comisionul nostru în profilul dvs. de revendicare. În plus, includem detalii despre procentul comisionului și suma finală pe care o veți primi în e-mailurile pe care le trimitem clienților noștri. Acești pași sunt luați pentru a vă asigura că sunteți bine informat cu privire la structura costurilor aferente cererii dvs. Prioritatea noastră este să oferim un serviciu transparent și eficient tuturor clienților noștri, iar noi suntem aici pentru a vă adresa orice întrebări sau clarificări suplimentare de care aveți nevoie. Dacă aveți mai multe întrebări sau aveți nevoie de informații suplimentare, vă rugăm să nu ezitați să contactați echipa noastră de asistență pentru clienți - Ne angajăm să vă oferim cele mai bune servicii posibile. Multumesc pentru intelegere. Salutări calde, Echipa AirAdvisor
Posted 7 months ago
In viata mea sa nu mai aud de voi, mail uri scrie incorect, raspundeti doar la ce va convine
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 2 years ago
Dragă Mirela, Ne pare rău să aflăm despre îngrijorările dumneavoastră și dorim să abordăm problemele pe care le-ați ridicat. Am verificat și cererea dvs. a fost rezolvată cu succes în timpul perioadei standard de revendicare. Dacă mai aveți întrebări suplimentare sau dacă aveți nevoie de actualizări cu privire la evoluția cererii dvs. de despăgubire, nu ezitați să contactați echipa noastră de asistență pentru clienți. Suntem aici pentru a vă asista pe tot parcursul procesului și pentru a ne asigura că aveți o experiență pozitivă cu Airadvisor. Vă salutăm cu drag, Echipa AirAdvisor
Posted 7 months ago
Rușine sar fi putut rezolva mai repede returnare de bani
Helpful Report
(Ro-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Dragă Gianina Valentina , Apreciem feedback-ul dvs. și vă înțelegem îngrijorarea cu privire la durata procesului de solicitare a despăgubirii. În general, termenul mediu de procedură a cererilor de despăgubire pentru serviciile noastre variază între 3 și 5 luni. Dacă aveți întrebări suplimentare sau dacă aveți nevoie de actualizări privind evoluția cererii dvs. de despăgubire, nu ezitați să contactați echipa noastră de asistență pentru clienți. Suntem aici pentru a vă asista pe tot parcursul procesului și pentru a ne asigura că aveți o experiență pozitivă cu Airadvisor. Vă mulțumim că ați ales Airadvisor și așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă rezolvăm cu succes cererea de despăgubire. Cu stimă, Asistența pentru clienți Airadvisor
Posted 7 months ago
total waste of time
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Dear Alex Briffa, We regret to hear about your concerns and want to address the issues you've raised. But this was the airline's issue, not the AirAdvisor. The referenced circumstances, as per the European Regulations 261/2004, fall into the category of Extraordinary Circumstances therefore, no compensation is due. Thank you for your understanding. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 6 months ago
I don’t get any money from your company.You only take money from MyAccount without permision.I’m going to make a report for this
Helpful Report
(Ro) - Posted 2 years ago
Dear Florin Romica ! We sent you money at 17:52 (Bucharest time) via the Wise payment system. We will send you a link so you can track your payment. According to the payment system, the money will be credited to your bank account on November 01, 2021 at 12:15. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with clause 3.4. of our Terms and Conditions: "3.4. Contractor transfers compensation to Member according to bank details and by method notified by Member in his Member Account on the Website. Pay out time: we will pay out compensation and / or refunds as provided in this terms within 30 days from receipt of correct bank details (in member's personal cabinet), however we typically try to pay out faster. " You added your bank details on 10/29/2021. We have transferred the payment to you on 10/31/2021 at 17:52. We tried to get you the payment as quickly as possible, but instead received negative feedback. We ask you to change it, as the information you wrote about does not really match. This review may mislead other customers as it misrepresents the facts about us. We have never taken money from your account, and you will receive our transfer tomorrow. The delay in the transfer was not caused by our fault - this is the usual time for processing the payment by the payment system. A link to track the payment has been sent to your mail. Kind regards, Viktoriia from AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
Horrible, cancelan vuelo al momento y al dia siguiente 1hora de retrazo!! No me gusta volar con transavia!!
Helpful Report
(Es-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Buenas tardes, Gabriel Lamento escuchar su mala experiencia con aerolínea mencionada. Tenga en cuenta que no somos la aerolínea sino la compañía de reclamaciones. Ayudamos a las pasajeros a proteger sus derechos.
Posted 2 years ago
The invoice that was sent to me was for the amount of 280 euro payable and 120 euro the commission for Airadvisor (wich is absolutely normal) but in reality I received in my bank account only the amount of 199,72! We made 2 claims, the other one was fine, the same thing invoice,commission everything and the compensation 280! I don’t understand why this time was different, the claims numbers were 21997 and 21996!
Helpful Report
(En) - Posted 2 years ago
Dear Client, We appreciate your inquiry about the fees. We want to ensure that there is no confusion regarding our pricing structure. To provide full transparency, we make our price list readily available on our website at This page offers detailed information about our pricing, and it is accessible to all clients at no cost. Furthermore, we take communication seriously and aim to keep our clients informed. You can find information about our commission in your claim profile. Additionally, we include details about the commission percentage and the final amount you will receive in the emails we send to our clients. These steps are taken to ensure that you are well-informed about the cost structure related to your claim. Our priority is to provide a transparent and efficient service to all our clients, and we are here to address any further questions or clarifications you may need. If you have any more questions or require additional information, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team - We are committed to providing you with the best service possible. Thank you for your understanding. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 7 months ago
My claim was stopped 3 times because of dates confusion, the claim for a second canceled flight, on a different day, was confused with the first one and considered duplicate claim of first claim !
Helpful Report
(Ro-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Hello, Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experience with AirAdvisor. We are sorry to hear that your claim was stopped 3 times because of dates confusion and that the claim for your second canceled flight was considered a duplicate claim of the first one. We understand that this was a frustrating experience and we apologize for the inconvenience. We value feedback such as yours and we would like to learn about how we can make things better. Could you share with us some information about how you think that this process could have been improved? We would be very grateful for any additional insight you can provide. Once again, thank you for letting us know about your experience. We hope for the chance to make things right with your experience soon. Best regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 7 months ago
Customer service - shocking What you think you’re going to get ba what you get - nothing. Don’t waste your time
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Good afternoon, We are sorry you did not like our service. Would you be so kind as to clarify what exactly you did not like? This way we can we can improve our service! Thank you!
Posted 2 years ago
Over complicated.
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Dear Brian, We continue to work on it to make the process user-friendly and efficient. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 7 months ago
Poorly structured web site.
Helpful Report
(En-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Dear Susan, We updated our site this year. We continue to work on it to make the process user-friendly and efficient. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 7 months ago
Seems this company is not paying the refund, just get it on your name. I've been notified more then 45 days ago that they've got the payment from the airline but they didn't transfer funds to my account. Call their number, no answer, just a strange answer. They stop answering my messages after asking about payment to my account.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Good afternoon,  Since I can see you have 3 claims. One of those claims was paid for you because we received bank details to be paid just for this claim. Also i have checked all mail and we naked you to add bank details for another 2 claimS to be paid to you. We are sorry for this misunderstanding and your claim will be paid as soon as possible. Have a lovely day!
Posted 2 years ago
Ala final no me solucionaron nada por eso mi calificación
Helpful Report
(Es-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Buenas tardes, Lo siento mucho por su comentario. Usted ha presentado la reclamación hace menos de dos semanas. Es muy poco tiempo para conseguir una indemnización, ya que el proceso tiene muchas fases. Por favor, tenga paciencia.
Posted 2 years ago
5axhighmi hanno rimborsato meno di quanto ho speso
Helpful Report
(Ro-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Ваши сотрудники постоянно просят загрузить необходимые документы, которые изначально загружены в полном объёме и их прекрасно видно в разделе "Документы". Почему?
Helpful Report
(Ru-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Ужасно😒. Претензии дублируются. Постоянно приходят сообщения, что нужно загрузить дополнительные документы. Бронь, посадочные талоны и паспорта загружены уже по нескольку раз. Кто то рассматривает наши документы? Или Вы фейковый сайт?
Helpful Report
(Ru-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Добрый день, Заявление не дублируется само по себе. Возможно, проблема в том, что когда вы подали претензию и не прикрепили документы, в следующий раз, когда вы захотите прикрепить документы, вы создадите новую претензию? Я не уверен в этом, поэтому я настоятельно рекомендую вам, когда у вас есть какие-либо проблемы и вы не понимаете, как подать претензию, вы всегда можете войти в наш онлайн-чат и спросить все, что вы хотите, таким образом, менеджер поможет вам. Мы не поддельный сайт, мы настоящая компания, которая помогла тысячам людей получить компенсацию. Что касается вашего вопроса о том, кто занимается делами - у нас есть команда менеджеров, которые занимаются делами и общаются с авиакомпанией и юристами.
Posted 2 years ago
Ужасно😒. Претензии дублируются. Постоянно приходят сообщения, что нужно загрузить дополнительные документы. Бронь, посадочные талоны и паспорта загружены уже по нескольку раз. Кто то рассматривает наши документы? Или Вы фейковый сайт?
Helpful Report
(Ru-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Добрый день, Заявление не дублируется само по себе. Возможно, проблема в том, что когда вы подали претензию и не прикрепили документы, в следующий раз, когда вы захотите прикрепить документы, вы создадите новую претензию? Я не уверен в этом, поэтому я настоятельно рекомендую вам, когда у вас есть какие-либо проблемы и вы не понимаете, как подать претензию, вы всегда можете войти в наш онлайн-чат и спросить все, что вы хотите, таким образом, менеджер поможет вам. Мы не поддельный сайт, мы настоящая компания, которая помогла тысячам людей получить компенсацию. Что касается вашего вопроса о том, кто занимается делами - у нас есть команда менеджеров, которые занимаются делами и общаются с авиакомпанией и юристами.
Posted 2 years ago
Ужасно😒. Претензии дублируются. Постоянно приходят сообщения, что нужно загрузить дополнительные документы. Бронь, посадочные талоны и паспорта загружены уже по нескольку раз. Кто то рассматривает наши документы? Или Вы фейковый сайт?
Helpful Report
(Ru-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Добрый день, Заявление не дублируется само по себе. Возможно, проблема в том, что когда вы подали претензию и не прикрепили документы, в следующий раз, когда вы захотите прикрепить документы, вы создадите новую претензию? Я не уверен в этом, поэтому я настоятельно рекомендую вам, когда у вас есть какие-либо проблемы и вы не понимаете, как подать претензию, вы всегда можете войти в наш онлайн-чат и спросить все, что вы хотите, таким образом, менеджер поможет вам. Мы не поддельный сайт, мы настоящая компания, которая помогла тысячам людей получить компенсацию. Что касается вашего вопроса о том, кто занимается делами - у нас есть команда менеджеров, которые занимаются делами и общаются с авиакомпанией и юристами.
Posted 2 years ago
AirAdvisor is rated 4.6 based on 15,109 reviews