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Nu prea stiti ce aveti de facut, pe chat de raspunde foarte greu
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(Ro-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Good afternoon, I have checked your claim and I can see that we responded to all your questions in detailed form. Please, understand that for us to proceed with the claim we need some documents, sometimes when we start to work on the case we need additional documents. In such cases we request the necessary document to the client. We are working for our client and hope for collaboration to get the best results!
Posted 2 years ago
I did not receive an answer
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(Ro-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Très compliqué pour télécharger..aucune demande de RIB. Vais je être remboursée?
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(Fr-ux) - Posted 2 years ago
Bon après-midi, Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel décrivant les difficultés que vous avez rencontrées lors de la soumission de la demande et nous l'examinerons pour améliorer la situation. Vous pouvez vérifier le statut actuel de la demande dans votre espace personnel sur notre site Web. Vous pouvez y ajouter le numéro IBAN dans la section des coordonnées bancaires. Quoi qu'il en soit, lorsque et si la compensation est reçue, nous vous enverrons un e-mail vous demandant de fournir vos coordonnées bancaires. Nous pouvons également effectuer le paiement sur le compte bancaire de votre choix. Cordialement, L'équipe d'AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
One of the worst ever services. They've been feeding promises for more than three years. Having all documents they did nothing as a result.
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Posted 2 years ago
Dear, Sergii As we told you earlier, Ernest has gone bankrupt. We are involved in bankruptcy proceedings. The airline is in a restructuring phase. It's a complicated and lengthy process. Kind regards AirAdvisor Team
Posted 2 years ago
The worst service that I’ve ever had
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Posted 2 years ago
Dear Stanislav, we are really sorry about your experience have not satisfied you, we would appreciate if you can describe what has happened to , so we can investigate the matter and try to improve. Best regards, Anton Radchenko Founder
Posted 2 years ago
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(Ro) - Posted 2 years ago
Bună seara, Când ați adăugat datele bancare greșite, v-am contactat pentru a vă cere datele corecte. Apoi, am efectuat plata despăgubirii către dumneavoastră. Compensația a fost primită de dumneavoastră. Cu respect, Echipa AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
Hello! I received compensation from the airline of 195 € as much as I paid on the ticket and I received the invoice from you in the amount of 95 € does that mean for you 30% of the compensation means 50% ????? and after i emailed someone very arrogant answer that i have to pay it's not their problem that's the bill. I do not recommend at all be very careful they are thieves. they make the law as they wish.
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Posted 3 years ago
Good afternoon, We provide our services under the “No-Win-No-Fee” rule. You do not need to pay anything to AirAdvisor. When we collect compensation from the airline we transfer it to you deducting our commission. Our success fee is 30% out of the collected sum at the pre-trial stage or 50% of sums collected in court or through external lawyers (VAT is not included, however in some cases VAT will not be applicable). In your case the compensation is not due because of it our lawyers got the refund for you and the airline paid the refund directly to you in the original method of payment. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 2 years ago
Обратился в конце 2018 года.с компенсацией о отмене вылета из Малага-в Вену. Сегодня уже апрель 2021 года -до сих пор нет ни какого ответа о компенсации. Все отзывы у них на странице -проходят модерацию админом , по этому у них только хорошие отзывы.
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Posted 3 years ago
Добрый день, Прежде всего, большое спасибо за ваш отзыв. Сообщаем, что авиакомпания предоставила нам доказательства того, что пассажиры вашего бронирования были уведомлены об изменении по многочисленным электронным письмам с сентября 2018 года и, согласно системе Wizz Air, приняли изменение рейса на 6 ноября, но не воспользовались им. В этом случае компенсация в соответствии с европейским регламентом 261/2004 не полагается. С уважением, Команда AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
Service très médiocre par airadvisor. Au début, je n'étais pas sûr, mais cela s'est avéré inutile.
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(UX) - Posted 3 years ago
Bonjour, Tout d'abord, merci pour vos commentaires. Pourquoi êtes-vous insatisfait de nos services ? Bien à vous, L'équipe d'AirAdvisor
Posted 2 years ago
No answer at all :(
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Posted 3 years ago
Dear Sonja, We have investigated the status of your claim and here below are our findings and conclusions. We are sharing them for transparency reasons, as it is important for us to convey complete understanding to you being our valuable customer. Your claim was successfully paid out. Generally, the average claim proceeding term for our services ranges from 3 to 5 months. However, in some cases, it can take longer. We appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns about the duration of your claim process. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us continually improve our services. Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 6 months ago
I send message and nobody answers
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Posted 3 years ago
Dear Greg! We sent you an email on December 28, 2020 from our email and we are waiting for your answer. We have received compensation for you and are waiting for your bank details to complete the payment Kind regards, AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 years ago
Lange Wartezeit von 5 Monaten, aber kein Update. Was machst du Team Airadvisor?
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(UX) - Posted 3 years ago
They did not want to go to court because it was weather related claim, seems they only file forms and take easy cases
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(UX) - Posted 3 years ago
Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. The team here at AirAdvisor is thrilled to hear such good feedback, and we’re happy you received flight compensation for your delayed flight. We value your trust and your opinion helps others understand their rights. We'd happy to help you claim flight compensation for other historic flight delays or cancellations for the past 3 years. We consider expanding our services and would love to hear if we can address any of your other needs? Thank you for review, Anton Radchenko, Founder of AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
Din păcate suma primită că despăgubire este mult mai mică decât cea pe care pretind că urmează să o primești. Comisionul fiind de 50%. Unfortunately, the amount received as compensation is much less than the one they promise you will receive. The commission is 50%.
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Posted 3 years ago
Dear Gicu Botan ! Thanks for your feedback. Information about the amount of commission and VAT is freely available in the Terms & Conditions and each passenger agrees with this when applying to the site. We are sorry that you have had a bad experience, but we did our best to get compensation for you and we acted in accordance with the Terms & Conditions. Kind regards, Viktoriia from AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 years ago
Really poor experience - process took about 10 months which I won’t blame Air advisor for given covid etc. In the middle. The big concern I had was this Was an open and shut case - very clear long delay. I agreed to the 30% commission because I didn’t want the hassle of chasing the air line. For some reason air advise took this to ‘court’ and upped the commission to 50% - taking into account vat on top of this the actual pay out was about one third of the claim. When I asked why it needed to go to court and for some sort of proof (I wasn’t asked first) I was told they absolutely would not provide this. Smells like a scam to me!
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi! TAP airline is one of the most problematic, it does not respond to incoming correspondence and does not pay compensation out of court. If we hadn't gone to court, you would not have received compensation. In case of filing a claim with a court, we pay the legal costs and services of a lawyer, so our commission is 50%. This is stated in our Terms&Conditions. We are sorry that you have had a bad experience, but we did our best to get compensation for you and we acted in accordance with the Terms&Conditions. Kind regards, Viktoriia from AirAdvisor Team
Posted 3 years ago
Still heard nothing back
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(UX) - Posted 3 years ago
Dear Rene! Please provide your reference number so that I can help you and fix the problem that upset you. Kind regards, Viktoriia from AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
No compensation received.
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(UX) - Posted 3 years ago
Dear Nataliya! We have sent all your documents to the airline, but have not received a response yet. If the airline does not respond within a month, we will sue. Kind regards, Viktoriia from AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
Никакой компенсации я не получал. Вы очень непорядочны.
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Posted 3 years ago
Уважаемый Игорь! Спасибо за ваш отзыв. Мы ценим мнение и время каждого клиента. Позвольте заметить, что вы не получили компенсацию, так как ваш рейс Запорожье-Киев PS086 21 марта 2018 года был отменен из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий. В случае форс-мажора авиаперевозчик освобождается от ответственности, поэтому компенсация в вашем деле не была выплачена. Мы сожалеем, что вы остались не удовлетворены окончательным решением по Вашему делу, однако готовы помочь с получением компенсации в будущем! С уважением, Виктория из AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
Inefficient, overpriced, only used as it was presented as only option to get compensation. Took 10 months to get 175 euros after a 30% fee, even then a bank charge and they gave me a dud exchange rate.
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Posted 3 years ago
Dear Patrick! Thanks for your feedback. The opinion of each client is important to us. We are sorry that you were not satisfied with the work of our service. The fact is that 30% of the commission is the average (not the highest price) in the market for similar services. Unfortunately, we cannot set a lower price, since this is the minimum that allows us to continue working in the current economic crisis. Please note that each of our clients agrees to Terms&Conditions of the site before submitting the claim. Term and conditions includes a section such as "Exclusivity of authorities" which states that: "5. Member claims, confirms and guarantees that: c) any money and / or other types of compensation received by Member directly from the airline or third persons with regard to the Case are considered as result of Contractor's services and Member is obliged to pay Contractor within 30 (Thirty) calendar days for the services provided in the amount of 30% (Thirty percent) out of the value of the received sums and / or compensation in another kind." Before submitting the claim, you have a choice - to agree with this condition or not. Thus, your decision to use our services was voluntary and we consider it fair that our lawyers received payment for their services. The exchange rate is the competence of the bank. Please contact your bank if you want to know the exchange rate or if you have other questions. Thank you for review, Anton Radchenko, Founder of AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
Почти половину причитающейся суммы забрал польский банк компании Air Advisor при двойной конвертации валюты вначале с Евро в злотые, затем обратно (злотые-Евро)
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Posted 3 years ago
Hello, Thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. The team here at AirAdvisor is thrilled to hear such good feedback, and we’re happy you had great experience on our website. We'd happy to help you claim flight compensation for other historic flight delays or cancellations for the past 3 years. Thank you for review, Anton Radchenko, Founder of AirAdvisor
Posted 3 years ago
AirAdvisor is rated 4.6 based on 15,107 reviews