EDF Energy Reviews

1.2 Rating 608 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend EDF Energy
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Absolutely awful. By far the worst company iv ever known. Stay away . 1 star is far to much, minus 5 stars is more suitable. Should not be allowed to run a business.
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Posted 6 months ago
Horrible company. Disgusting behaviour towards customers making constant excuses for their errors. AVOID!
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Posted 6 months ago
absolute joke of a company, i have too many issues to list on here but have raised all 8 of them, they only acknowledge one of my complaints, smart meters promised, making my bank 100s of pounds in debt after promising to take the correct money, awful service rude staff, full of promises which are all lies !!
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Posted 6 months ago
Hello My name is Ian Allen chairperson of the button moon trust They owe the trust over 4000 since August for overcharging for VAT being a charity, They have not given back the money. When I phone they just fob me off, and today I got an email to say they've closed the case, the number that's on the email phone and it's not available if I owe that sort of money they'll be sending round the bailiffs, maybe I should send round the bailiffs to EDF
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Posted 6 months ago
They refuse to read my meter, even though I've explained to them that it's difficult and unpleasant for me to do so. They don't care, they just want the money. Sick of them. Will complain as far as I'm able and then switch to some other cowboy outfit instead. We *urgently* need to bring these greedy, profiteering utilities back into public hands, because this really isn't working.
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Posted 6 months ago
Poor non-functioning website - service has dropped off fully in the last year or so.
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Posted 6 months ago
Plain Dishonesty at work, retrospectively trying to justify their actions (or lack thereof). I have been warned of a transfer to another energy provider, initiated likely by the tenancy management (which instead of extending existing tenancy, put me through a brand-new onboarding that "allows" the agency to take over and close any account linked to the address... that is for another day!). I promptly informed EDF of the mistake and assumed I was the legit tenant and account holder, since by contract I am responsible for the utilities. Not only that, being EU national and having to demonstrate my "right to rent" with Settled Status, one would think extra checks on me guarantee I am indeed the legit tenant. Fast forward 8 months (still outstanding with Often now), and they messed up everything: from smart meter not working (their responsibility to check the right readings are reported and the meter is working!), to readings 400-500 KhW behind the actuals I have documented. Anyway, we almost reached agreement and one outstanding issue was/is they are still calculating with the lower readings... in other words, they offer a payment as act of good will only to take it back and then some with misreadings. Their latest excuse? they change systems so the old account (affected by Erroneous Transfer) was reinstated shortly before moving everything to a new system... hence messing up records even more. So what is wrong with EDF? 1. customer service agents cannot see what is going on with your account as they use a dashboard that is not "live" and regularly updated. So they can tell you all is fine with your account, when in reality the account has been closed! And then other hours spent reasoning with poorly trained people; 2. departments are not talking to each other: so I get a rep suggesting to suspend payment with a large credit on my account only then to receive a call from the collection department! which one is which?? 3. Escalation process inexistent: you think from agent to manager to Complaint department the escalation route is clear... nope. You have probably to go through a few more people, each needing a "recap" of an odyssey that never ends. 4. Deadlock - I see someone mentioned that. If there is erroneous transfer and there is no apparent immediate resolution, the deadlock letter is issued apparently so that they can "prove" they did not go beyond the 20 something days limit under the Erroneous Transfer Charter, when compensation kicks in. In my case, through Ofgen, I have seen a deadlock letter I have never ever received - neither via email or mail. But there you have it: merge with data and issue as evidence and they are covered! (even wrong date...) Anyway, here we are: I got a small credit as "act of goodwill" (hate that definition as it is totally dismissive of being in the wrong). Now that credit - amazingly the amounts are so close - will be clawed back in additional consumption charges because their readings were wrong! One cannot make it up. EDF has a history of these mismanagements. Notably in 2014 complaints about mishandling of cases were such that an independent investigation with Ofgen was conducted, finding so many "areas of improvement"... 10 years later and we are still battling with the same mismanagement. What I learned: 1. escalate immediately, don't try reasoning with different customer service people who have no clue of anything; 2. Citizens Advice was great: they cracked the issue and EDF had to then show they were taking actions; 3. document everything! I know, boring, but try get an email and write the recap of everything that has happened. Every correspondence in writing, always add the whole story and actions taken chronologically. Pictures of meters speak louder than anything (metadata will show the actual date the photo was taken too) 4. Remind them of your right to a response in X days, and after passing the time limit, open a case with Ofgen, easily uploading all your documentation. Less stress than having to rebuild everything. Citizens Advice will compile a list and sometimes publishes information on worst Energy providers to avoid. As for me, I can't wait to leave EDF and never ever join them again - I appreciate human errors but institutionalised dishonesty is unacceptable. Know your rights, you efforts will pay off... who knows, like in other sectors, one day we may all get restrospective payments worth thousands ... when they could have saved it all by providing the service they promise in their contracts with you.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Awful, awful company. Smart meter installed since February 2021 and yet I’ve never received any quarterly invoice that wasn’t ‘estimated’! Apparently a communications problem between their billing system and my meter means they can’t read my meter when they need to so I’ve told them to get ithe comms fixed but they’re not interested - just keep telling me that this is the way it works! Furthermore, the in house display unit they gave me has never worked either and guess what, they’re not interested in fixing this either! I’ve asked EDF what’s the point in having a smart meter - a question that they obviously cannot answer. Complaint now with the Ombudsman as EDF decided that my issues with them had reached ‘deadlock’ (incredible really as they haven’t done anything to try to resolve them). Not holding out much hope here though as the chap I spoke to at the Ombudsman’s office was keen to set expectations…. insistent on telling me that I needed to understand that the technology (in this instance the comms link and in house display) weren’t infallible and that sometimes they might be down! I asked what would be an acceptable working rate - 75%, 50%, 25% or, as in my case, 0% - but I think he felt I was being facetious. Will probably end up switching to another supplier.
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Posted 6 months ago
If you value your mental health and your time, then EDF COMPANY is not for you. Your letters and arguments are ignored, it is difficult to get through on the phone and often the connection is cut off, the complete confusion you are led in a closed circle over and over again is only an imitation of helping customers. I have been a customer of the EDF​ company for many years, and always pay all bills on time. In September 2022 I paid a bill of £261.61. But in October 2022 I received a huge bill for electricity for £3,486,62 I have repeatedly asked EDF to send an engineer to inspect my meter for malfunctioning, After a long negotiation EDF set me an appointment for 18 January 2023 When the electrician arrived, he informed me that he had arrived to install the smart meter. Although I have always told EDF that I will not change or install anything until we have checked whether my meter works properly or not. I explained the problem to the electrician. He inspected the meter, and noted that my meter is spinning very quickly, although at that time the heating and other electrical appliances did not work. He also said he understood the problem and that he would report it all, but to close the issue. Another appointment needs to be made and another duplicate meter installed to make sure the old one is correct. I was very pleased, hoping that this would now be resolved more quickly. On 17th July 2023 EDF responded that they would not be able to send an engineer until the debt was settled. Whats going on? I live in one bedroom flat, according to the readings of my electric meter over the past two months, my consumption has increased by more than three times. while I do not use heating, and try to be very economical, i have all the lighting economical on LED EDF has been refusing to send an engineer to check the servesability of its equipment for more than 8 months. And at the same time, through letters and calls, EDF are stubbornly trying to send me an engineer to install a smart meter, like its a panacea for all the problems, although we can observe that with smart meter, consumers also have a lot of problems. EDF Its like a one-way road, no dialogue, just EDF interest, more than a year of telephone conversations and letters nothing has changed EDF is a large company with huge trained staff sharpened only for profit, and lonely consumers simply lack the strength and resources to defend their rights, and in the end, a lot of people do not want to be in this stress simply give up, and EDF becomes enriched withdrawing funds from people who trusted them, believing that this is a large and promising company with a huge financial turnover. Although not everything is so promising here. In 2022, the debt of the French company EDF grew to 64.5 billion euros, and here we also need to think about whether we made the right choice for the company EDF
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Posted 6 months ago
total nightmare its taking over 5 months to resolve issues with the most non transparent billing system I ever witnessed i am looking to see if there are any external bodies that are teckling these issues, I recon compensation scheme must be on its way. they can't be getting away with this considering what amount of money they are collecting
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Awful service, poorly trained staff, poor communication, no record of previous call, no promised callback, do not use.
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Posted 6 months ago
They are very cunning quickly took my meter reading by their engineer I was not aware of. This resulted in generating a bill. Normally I give reading myself but they couldn't wait for my money. I have now paid the bill but still showing a debit balance. I need to look elsewhere
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Posted 6 months ago
Just terrible. So many mistakes. Staff aren't trained properly. They don't care enough (probably aren't paid enough). Long waiting times. They will bill you late charges when it was their fault they were late. They will lie to you to get you off the phone. Their online account system doesn't work - They cutting costs on their online system so you had to call the call centre which is terrible. I hope this company goes bust to make room for companies that actually care about their staff and customer.
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Posted 6 months ago
Awful Incompetent Arrogant Shysters I have had issues ever since the “smart” device was installed It won’t connect with my night storige meter and therefore am flying blind This has gone on for over 10 weeks Plus the goon who installed my meter failed to earth it They are trying to tell us that is not their problem Impossible to get a straight answer let alone help Do not go near if you want an easy time they should never be able to operate with this lack of customer service
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Posted 6 months ago
Awful Incompetent Arrogant Shysters I have had issues ever since the “smart” device was installed It won’t connect with my gas meter and therefore am flying blind This has gone on for over 2 years Plus the goon who installed my gas meter failed to earth it They are trying to tell us that is not their problem Impossible to get a straight answer let alone help Do not go near if you want an easy time they should never be able to operate with this lack of customer service
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Posted 6 months ago
Not that another 1 star review bothers them, it seems like they are taking pride because reading the reviews it doesn't look like EDF does anything to change their customer service. I agree, shocking! You have to call a landline number that's not free. Then you hear the excuse again that they are super busy (what a surprise people want to get in touch if your product is abysmal..., also, I am tired of this excuse now). Then the line cuts off after 10 minutes. You are supposed to whatsapp them. But they only reply a day later if you are lucky. You then get to engage with a customer adviser who behaves like a robot, barely motivated, has no clue and is not in the slighted interested in helping you. Replies can also take a day, if they come at all. So basically useless. I had to really fight to get to speak with someone over the phone, who was friendly but by that point I had already wasted so much time it didnt matter anymore. Also, even though I was in debit they reduced my DD payments to £8/month for electricity, which is absolutey ridiculous. I only noticed months later because they only send out bills once every 6 months! Why??? That doesn't make any sense. Also their bills are so confusing not even my friend who is a CFO quite understood them. Shambles! Worst energy company I ever dealt with in my 17 years in the UK. I switched to Octopus energy where the system is so much easier and customer service is much better from what I hear and read.
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Posted 6 months ago
My father has been messed about by then for over a year. The black meter that links to the smart meter hasn't been working and still they don't send an engineer. Keep fobbing him off. He gets estimates. They are useless.
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Posted 6 months ago
Can't answer a simple query about Social Tariffs. Idiots!
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Posted 6 months ago
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Posted 6 months ago
Trying to get a correct bill for over 10 weeks. EDF insists on using a fictitious opening read to extort more money. Sent a photo of gas meter on 5/9/23 showing opening read, another two weeks later and then weekly but they just ignore it and use their own which is overcharging me by £400. Have spoken to chat bots, call centres all over the world, energy agents, have made dozens of phone calls, emails to people all promising to put it right but to date still no action and demanding over payment, dishonest company. This has to be put right at some point and who will compensate me for the stress I have suffered and my valuable time.
EDF Energy 1 star review on 16th November 2023
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Posted 6 months ago
EDF Energy is rated 1.2 based on 608 reviews