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Ikea Reviews

1.5 Rating 1,606 Reviews
11 %
of reviewers recommend Ikea
Based on 1,606 reviews
Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Average Delivery Time
Over A Month
On-time Delivery
Greater than 20%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 64%
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Telephone, Live Chat, Email
Queries Resolved In
Over A Week
Customer Service
1.2 out of 5
Avg Email Response Time
-1 hours
Returns & Refunds
Refunds Process
Returns Process
Could Be Better

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Ikea 1 star review on 11th December 2024
Megan Gregory
Ikea 1 star review on 13th December 2023
Costa Fedorov
Ikea 1 star review on 13th December 2023
Costa Fedorov
Ikea 5 star review on 26th September 2023
Crossrail Cottage
Ikea 5 star review on 26th September 2023
Crossrail Cottage
Ikea 1 star review on 19th September 2023
Ikea 1 star review on 12th March 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
ANC delivered my IKEA furniture. Over $2,000 worth. I paid extra for delivery inside the house. The 2 delivery people were very rude and inconsiderate. I asked them to take 1 box in the front door and the other 2 down to side door (just down driveway about 5 metres). They refused and said they were in a hurry and would only deliver through one door. I’m heavily (and obviously) pregnant and they showed no compassion or common courtesy. It felt very weird and off putting. A little scary and aggressive even. It was like they were not human, but rather snappy, angry robots from some dystopian future where AI has gone bad. This was a terrible service experience. I love ikea, but shame on the ANC transport company for hiring such people. Fortunately I have a strong husband who is able to move the boxes around when he gets home from working all day. Perhaps I will see if he wants a second job as an IKEA deliveryMAN, as I’m positive he would treat pregnant women with compassion and make time to take boxes inside the most appropriate doors. I’ve contacted customer service, hopeless, chat took 2 hours to reply, and over the phone nobody replies.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 days ago
I worked with an Ikea kitchen planner staff member and ordered over $8000.00 worth of goods which I paid for in full on January 11, 2025. Ikea has failed to deliver these goods because they no longer have all the items I paid for in stock. I post this as a warning that Ikea is accepting money for goods and not reserving that stock after payment, or they are selling items which are not in stock even though they have been ordered with an Ikea staff member who assured that they were in stock when ordered. I have cancelled my kitchen order because Ikea cannot deliver in a reasonable timeframe. At 11.05pm the night before the booked delivery date (Tuesday 21 January 2025) Ikea texted that they could not deliver any items the next day because some of the paid for items were no longer in stock. No one from Ikea contacted me until the Wednesday and I could not get through on the help line after 30 minutes of trying on the Tuesday. The earliest delivery date I am now offered is 4th February 2025, I cannot trust Ikea to deliver on that date as I see online many of the items I ordered and paid for are now marked as sold out.
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Posted 1 week ago
1/25, purchased mattress. Used $300 gift card and $200 on debit. Mattress was terrible. Brought back 3 days later bc of snow in Phila. Would not return our money, said it had to be in a box. Didn’t know it was even coming in a box. Don’t need anything in this store for $500. The least they could have done was return the $200 to the debit card. Never Again, bad business. Don’t even try calling customer service. So upset! Guess we had to keep that horrible matress. Phila store
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Posted 2 weeks ago
I am leaving this review here as I am very disapointed with how Ikea has been treating us. We were due to receive our kitchen order last Monday 13th January. When I checked all items received against my invoice I realised half of it was missing. Our contractor could not finish his job without the missing items. After many calls to Ikea, we've been informed no one knows where the missing items are and a new order for those missing items was placed due to arrive tomorrow 21st January. We book again our contractor to start the job tomorrow. Today, at 7pm I receive an email with no explanation whatsover informing that my delivery has now been rescheduled to the 30 January! we contact Ikea again and no solution or explanation has been provided, we have been told that we need to wait till the 30th and there's nothing we can do. This is totally unacceptable and unprofessional from Ikea. This is honestly the worst experience of my life. We have no water, no appliances such as washing machine so we have to keep spending money in food deliveries and of course we have contractor expenses since we are still charged for his lost time. Utterly disappointed with Ikea.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 weeks ago
Ikea have the worst customer service I have ever experienced. My order was partially missing, i called and arranged delivery of missing parts. The overseas call centre has sent email confirmation of delivery, this unfortunately didn't arrive, i have checked the website and they have created a return outside of the call. I rang customer service, waited on hold for 45-50 minutes, to have an unprofessional answer the phone abruptly and proceed to pretend that i could not be heard and hang up. I will never order online again with this company, My order value was $1900
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Posted 1 month ago
£425 lost due to thieving delivery company ikea contracts Honestly, take into consideration the reviews before purchasing from IKEA ever again. I never thought to look at the reviews, As I always considered IKEA a good company….. but after my recent experience, I will never Purchase another item from IKEA. We had wardrobes delivered by third-party company on behalf of IKEA, The company unit movements in the UK south west , Came into our home and broke our radiator due to an accident where boxes were dropped…. At the time I was only given a phone number to contact and I was told by an employee of them to get my own plumber out and send them the invoice and they would pay for the damages they Caused, However, when I attempted to get my money back the company Absolutely refused to acknowledge any requests, Firstly, they accepted blame, And said they knew what happened. But then very quickly backtrack and said they weren’t gonna do anything to help as we got our own plumber and they were not gonna pay for it because we were meant to use theirs…. After a week of back-and-forth with this company over whether or not we would get our money back for the services of the plumber we used based on the information that we were given by them, We contacted IKEA again on the matter, And were told that they stand by this company 100% and agree with them and that we’re out of luck with our £425 that we had to spend in order to heat our house for our one-year-old child…. I find it absolutely disgusting that a company that swears it’s dedicated to its customers. is so proudly willing to stand behind one of their partners who is clearly in the wrong…. I am absolutely disgusted with the behaviour of not only the companies they deal with but the customer service representative I’ve been in contact with that is directly linked to IKEA… I know this review is long winded but I really do hope you take it into consideration before purchasing anything for delivery from IKEA….
Ikea 1 star review on 11th December 2024
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I ordered two chest dressers from Ikea for $49.00 each in November, and they charged me a $30 delivery fee. After assembling the first dresser, I realized it didn’t fit the space, so I decided to return one since I hadn’t opened the other box. When I called to arrange the return, I was initially told the pickup fee would be $29 for a $49 dresser. When I requested a return label, the representative said she would email it to me. However, I never received the label, so I reached out to Ikea again. This time, another representative informed me that the pickup fee would actually be $49. I argued that it didn’t make sense to pay the same amount for the pickup as I did for the dresser itself. He insisted that this was their return policy. I then asked for a FedEx or UPS label, but they refused, claiming it was too small to send through those services. I'm really frustrated and have decided that I will never shop at Ikea again.
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Posted 2 months ago
χειρότερη εμπειρία που είχα από ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα,γεγονός που δεν θα περίμενα ποτέ από μια εταιρεία όπως η ΙΚΕΑ.Εξοφληθείσα παραγγελία από 31 Αυγούστου έως τις 29 Σεπτεμβρίου δεν είχε ακόμη παραδοθεί,παρά τα επανειλημμένεα emails και τηλεφωνικές επικοινωνίες με εκπροσώπους της.Η παραγγελία επρόκειτο να παραδοθεί στην Ξάνθη,στο σπίτι του φοιτητή γιου μου,όπου ταξίδεψα από την Αθήνα,προκειμένου να διευθετήσω τη διαμονή του και να παραλάβω και την εν λόγω παραγγελία.Οι εκπρόσωποι της ΙΚΕΑ,παρά τις φιλότιμες προσπάθειές τους ,δεν μπορούσαν ούτε να επικοινωνήσουν με τον μεταφορέα,και μετά από ημέρες μου είπαν ότι ίσως και να έχει χαθεί.Ακύρωση επίσης δεν μπορούσα να κάνω,αφού θα έπαιρνα τα χρήματα μου πίσω,όταν θα επέστρεφε?? η χαμένη μου παραγγελία στην ΙΚΕΑ σύμφωνα με την πολιτική τους.Έφυγα από την Ξάνθη άπρακτη και ελπίζω να ισχύει ότι θα κάνουν,όπως μου είπαν επαναποστολή από άλλο τους καταστημα.Εγώ στο μεταξύ αναγκάστηκα να αγοράσω ξανά πολλά από τα αναγκαία πράγματα που είχα παραγγείλει,για τα οποία προφανώς δεν θα αποζημιωθώ.Πέρα από τον εκνευρισμό και το άγχος που υπέστην,προσπαθώντας να επικοινωνήσω με την εταιρεία,το μάθημα που πήρα είναι ότι δεν θα ψωνίσω ποτέ ξανά από το ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα της ΙΚΕΗ
Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago
Dreadful customer service. They failed to deliver my order twice. You can’t talk to anyone directly everything goes through the call centre manned by people who have no ability to help. I still don't have my order that was placed two months ago!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Worst client service ever!! In January 2024, I canceled an order after IKEA France failed twice to deliver on the planned day. Now it's July 2024 and part of that order has not yet been reimboursed to me in spite of a dozen of calls to the client service. They are stealing money from my pocket!
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Posted 6 months ago
This has been a nightmare! I should have known when the order was placed and 6 out of the 9 doors needed were listed as “out of stock”. The customer service agent was very positive on that call. She stated that she was sure they would be back in stock on Monday (this was a Saturday) so we could place a second order for those on Monday to accompany this order. She was absolutely correct! They were back in stock……but then we have problem #2, delivery on those doors were no longer an option as it states the “truck was full”. After speaking with MANY customer service agents, was finally transferred to one who could resolve the issue and had the 6 remaining doors Fed Ex to my home to arrive the same day as the delivery of everything else on the 18th. Fast forward to the 18th…at this point, I have received several text messages confirming and appointing a time for delivery for this day from the delivery company. Original time is between 4p-8p. Then another text stating 7p-9p. At 9:25, an email arrive stating that the distance for delivery was too far for the delivery company and my order would have to be rescheduled. I called customer service and the gentleman confirmed my order would be delivered the next morning by 9am. At 9:30, no delivery received, so I once again call customer service. I spoke with another lady who states #1 it was not rescheduled for today, #2 the next available delivery date would be the 25th, #3 the delivery address was too far for the delivery company, #4 Fed Ex was not an option for these pieces, #5 a Supervisor has to be notified by an open case and will return your call. The agents cannot forward calls to Supervisors. #1- So I was lied to the night before? #2- The issues and concerns with why it hasn’t been delivered as of yet will not exist on the 25th for a delivery? #3- IKEA sent my order to a delivery company that cannot deliver to this address, but your agent would like to reschedule with the same delivery company? #4- She further stated Fed Ex does not deliver large items which I had to call her on as I told her we have had multiple large items delivered by them which is why Fed Ex utilizes large trucks. #5- You, as a customer, are not important enough to speak with Supervisors when your issues are not being resolved by customer service. You must be “scheduled” (as I was told she had me on the schedule to be called at 1pm). Very, very poor customer services! One of the solutions offered was for me, as the customer, to drive over an hour away to “pick up” my order, which would require a trailer rental, and they would “waive the pick up fee”. However, that also has to be scheduled on their timeframe. It was very easy to accept my order stating my address was acceptable, accept my money, but cannot deliver customer service or delivery of what was promised when my order and money was accepted.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
I Placed my order on June28 and chose a delivery date for July 6th and a representative called me on June 5th to schedule delivery time from 8:00 am to 13:00 pm They did not delivered my order and no one called to inform me about for not delivering my order.I went to IKEA store and talked to Home Delivery costumer service and after one hour she told me that your order will be delivered next day. Unfortunately the next I didn’t received my order again and nobody called me.I went to IKEA store for second time after 5 times calling them and they said we can’t guarantee you that your order will be delivered to you until end of July. I never except from IKEA to be a messed up company and this will be my first and last time purchase from them. I cancelled my order and purchased from a furniture store close to me. Don’t order furniture from IKEA you will never receive your order on time and and IKEA costumer service is unrespnsable for any reason .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Horrible customer experience. Most staff working there have absolutely no desire to help the customers, they are rude when you ask for help and provide incorrect information. There is absolutely no accountability. Hadn’t shopped there is 5 years and I remembered very quickly why I stopped.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Customer service does not provide any help, never reply to emails, does not provide solutions by the phone. Of course this is not about the people working at ikea but about company’s policy. One the worst customer services ever!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
rude staff on click and collect I won’t be shopping there again
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Posted 7 months ago
Ikea still owes me over £200 of missing it items and just over £500 of damaged items, and I mean cracked mirror, water damaged, chips and scratches, well the list goes on. After speaking to so many brainless people from ikea the request everytime is to create a list of everything all over again and send photos. Unbelievable, and I guess it's easy to be brave making fun of someone while hiding behind a phone and a pc. I guarantee face to face this would wouldn't happen. 7 weeks and still trying to get this sorted and the damage done to my stairs when the items were delivered. Wish I was being exaggerated, but when I say damage, I mean damage. Never again with this scam company.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
We had a delivery today, via Ikea and the Breezemount vehicle turned up. The two guys seemed friendly enough initially. We have amount 4 trips with of stuff to take to the 3rd floor. This wasn't a problem as Ikea deliver to any room. They took 3 loads up and then asked my partner if it was ok to leave the last load in the hallway on the ground floor. I said sorry but no, we would like it all together. The delivery guy shook his head and huffed at me. I asked what the issue was and he said they are not even heavy. I said that this wasn't the point, we would like everything in the same room please. He said now you are being rude and just walked out. We were absolutely shocked by this behavior. Cleary this tactic of doing 1/2 a job worked on some customers but when politely challenged he was so unprofessional and rude.
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Posted 7 months ago
To be spot checked and have other customers look at you like you’re a thief? And you feel so embarrassed etc. IKEA knocked my confidence down massively. Best thing is, I’m a new customer. I will not be coming back again.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
The most terrible customer experience of my life began with an online IKEA order placed on May 27th, and despite numerous efforts, I have yet to receive my purchased products. To outline my experience: May 27th: Ordered 9 products online for pick-up - cost £48.50. May 30th: Received a message from DPD indicating a 2-day delay. June 3rd: Contacted DPD, who informed me that the order was returned to IKEA and cancelled. Called IKEA, and a customer service assistant promised home delivery on June 5th at no extra charge. June 5th: No delivery received; the order was marked as cancelled. Called IKEA, and a different assistant admitted a payment transfer error and rescheduled delivery for June 7th. June 7th: No delivery received again; order cancelled. Another call to IKEA, and the assistant promised a refund and advised reordering. Received a partial refund of £46.50 (missing £2). June 10th: Repurchased the same products online for Greenwich pick-up. At the store, the order was not ready. Customer service rescheduled pick-up for June 12th. June 12th: Order still not ready at the Greenwich store. Customer service then promised home delivery on June 14th and assured a callback from a manager within 48 hours. June 14th: One item was missing from the order and marked as cancelled. I am at a loss as to how a company of IKEA’s stature can cause such distress and inconvenience. This has been the most exasperating customer service experience of my life, and it is unacceptable that after so much effort, my order remains unfulfilled. Through all this journey, I lost 9 hours of my life just by calling IKEA and going to IKEA Greenwich several times besides financial cost.
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Posted 7 months ago
First time ordering from Ikea and very pleased with my experience my chair was delivered on day specified and kept up to date every step of the way courier was very pleasant and asked if we wanted our item carried into the house
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Ikea is rated 1.5 based on 1,606 reviews