DC Law Reviews

1.2 Rating 230 Reviews
4 %
of reviewers recommend DC Law

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
DO NOT USE THIS FIRM I am currently stuck in a chain with someone who is and due to their serious lack of response to emails and phone calls from solicitors and estate agents I have been left homeless as the place I was buying pulled out due to being messed around. A result from the bottom of the chain which is DC Law!
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Posted 2 years ago
Despair. The cases must be poked high on their desks. Touted by estate agents. I'm just a person who came to sell my home in good faith and buy another one again in good faith. I don't know when I. Going to move.. The seller informed me how much his house was, worth now I can't cope really. Since early May I'm still here I won't go now I don't think. I'm just a person wanting a, fair shake, that's all. To be treated with respect. . I
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Posted 2 years ago
Please do not use this firm. Their staff do not care and are not truthful. I have finally completed a purchase last week 30th September after having a offer except in March. There was no chain on other side. You will regret using this company unless you want to experience stress on a high level and waste countless hours calling and emailing them. Debbie Osmant was the conveyancer and unless I called she would not contact me. She was slow and very unhelpful. She didn't fully understand the process of purchasing a grade 2 listed property and would continually request queries from the sellers solicitors that they had already replied and supplied the relevent documents. She would then proceed to set further queries. I had to point out on numerous occasions that that those queries had been fully answered previously. I found out she had lied to me after I contacted my mortgage provider but didn't raise this with her or the company as didn't want to lose the purchase. She would update e-way late or not at all. This was a complete nightmare. The sellers estate agents were constantly calling and emailing her. I even resorted to calling the sellers solicitors in order to find out what was happening and to get a response. She emailed me quickly then, telling that I must not do that. Well she wasn't doing much. I had put a review on during this and she called and told me that this was not helpful, I also didn't get a response from Emma who puts a message on after each review claiming to be from customer services, even when I emailed them directly. Debbie was fully aware that I had a very sick relative whom I was moving closer to in order to care for, she in my opinion made this purchase go even slower. She decided when completion would take place and didn't consult me and when I said I needed it to be the Friday. She said that wasn't possible and she would have to reapply and it would take weeks. She repeatedly told me that my mortgage company needed four days to release fund when infact it was seven. She comes across as a person who likes to be in control and doesn't like her errors being pointed out. Utterly ridiculously incompetent.
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Posted 2 years ago
This company are absolutely abysmal, nearly 6 months we’ve been waiting to exchange/complete and still no closer. It takes ages for them to respond to emails/phone calls, when you do get a response from them it’s under noted and damn right rude. They are not a company you can trust, they are totally incompetent and the service they offer is appalling, absolute cowboys and should not be allowed to continue in business. It speaks volumes when they have to make up their own 5 star reviews on here. Avoid at all costs if you value your sanity!
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Posted 2 years ago
Whatever you do, DONT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY. They can’t even respond to solicitors who want to exchange contracts never mind completion. The most stressful time ever. No wonder you hear of heart attack and strokes caused by moving. Companies like this are the cause, so unprofessional. Still waiting to exchange!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Avoid like the plague! I wish I had done more research before engaging them for the sale of my house and purchase of my next one. Rude staff, don't return forms, miss many items, inaccurate responses to emails, don't acknowledge very important details ... like you money. Even took a month to return my Husband's Death Certificate.
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Posted 2 years ago
My experience is exactly the same as others have said on here. Completely diabolical, totally unprofessional and extremely difficult to deal with. Please DO NOT USE!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Do not ever use this firm This firm are the most incompetent and inefficient solicitors I have ever come across. They were acting for us selling a small 1 bed flat - a transaction that should not have taken more than 3 months. It took 8 months. There were no problems with the sale other than those caused by our solicitor not ever taking a phone call from us. She made one phone call to us through the entire transaction but otherwise communicated only by email. This meant that misunderstandings caused by her emails, of which there were 3, continued for weeks. The buyer's solicitors were also appalling and were very slow at dealing with matters. However our solicitor was completely incapable of being pro-active, of driving the transaction, or doing anything to chase the other side. Nor did she do any planning or preparation for issues that would need to be dealt with in the future. We wish we had sacked this firm and appointed another during the process but we were concerned that it would slow down the process even more. In the event the process couldn't have been any slower - the transaction was only concluded a few days before the buyer's mortgage offer was due to expire. DC Law’s inaction, inefficiency and incompetence maximised our stress and distress.
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Posted 2 years ago
I'm still waiting 5 months later. Recommended by estate agents.
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Posted 2 years ago
DO NOT USE, the most appalling company ever. I’m still waiting for them to get their act together. They do not answer phones or emails and when the do blame the other party and lie. They blame,the pandemic or stamp duty. Where are the Directors on this company, why aren’t they trying to improve their attitude. Causing so much stress to cancers patients. It should be allowed, they should be struck off!!! I’m at the verge of losing my house purchase because of them, lack of communication and effort.
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Posted 2 years ago
The diabolical communication skills of this firm caused the breakdown of my sale after 7 months of constant chasing. The seller thought it was me dragging my feet but had no idea of the uphill struggle I encountered getting the right information from this firm. This sale had no mortgage and no chain and I believe if I had mortgaged myself to the maximum with 10 people in the chain using a different company I wouldn't have had half the stress or misery these caused me ..
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Posted 2 years ago
This company almost cast the complete Collapse of our chain due to their lack of care, and complete incompetence. Do not use this company. They may appear to have good reviews on trust pilot however these are not a genuine reflection of the company, As everybody including all of the other solicitors in our chain left genuinely honest reviews on trust pilot and all of them have been taken down. They were part them as incorrect and the sites seem to believe them, which is ridiculous because you would think that the volume of complaints that they get, which this site only backs up the trust pilot would start to twig. Our whole house moving process should’ve taken place probably about six weeks earlier than it did and the reason for the delay was purely because the middle house in our chain of five Used DC law. They never answered the phone, I never responded to emails, I had a complete change of conveyancer which nobody invited anybody off. The new conveyancers we’re not assigned for several weeks, and then they were off work as well and nobody told the client. How is company are allowed to operate is beyond me is there a complete joke insured no remorse for the amount of stress and worry because everybody. We were at the top of the chain, and because they were so slow on the day of the exchange of money our sale went through but our purchase didn’t, as it was too late in the day on Friday. This meant we had to be moved into our new property under license, which cost more money for us, and all of the other good solicitors in the chain and the estate agents had said they’ve never ever had to do this in all of their careers. This was purely down to the lack of attention, efficiency and care From DC law. I do not use this company, even if you’ve already started working with them, I would suggest cutting your losses and finding yourself an actual proper solicitor as these people are absolute bunch of idiots who have not got a clue what they’re doing and how they are legally allowed to operate I do not know.
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Posted 2 years ago
I must say, I am not at all impressed by this firm. No one ever use them, they are the worst and they never reply to calls or answer back. We have waited months for a response but they just don’t lift a finger. What unprofessional customer service. I am very disappointed. They never pick up the call nor answer emails.
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Posted 2 years ago
What a Nightmare. Sometimes they just ignore you. I don't even know if their phone works. Constant diversions to voicemail. Nightmare experience
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Posted 2 years ago
We are in a chain with DC Law at the bottom. All I can say is they have been diabolical to deal with. They are slow, lose responses, request duplicate responses and generally do a they can to cause conveyancing a bad name. I hop they read this and it spurs them in to action. So far every one else has been ready and waiting for them to pull their finger out. If it was possible to give a zero rating I would.
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Posted 2 years ago
The sellers are unfortunately using this company at purplebricks recommendation. The solicitor they've been assigned are beyond useless. We have had all documents completed and ready to set a completion date for 3 weeks now, with the seller and I in constant contact all ready to go. But when they try to contact DC Law they're met with voicemail only, which is never replied to, and when they send e-mails they get templated replies which often make no sense and aren't related to what has been asked for. My solicitor, purple bricks and the sellers have been trying to get a completion date with me as the buyer ready to exchange immediately but DC Law just doesn't respond, at all. Getting closer and closer to pulling out and cutting my losses as if it takes much longer I'm going to have to move to a new rented apartment while waiting for completion which will set me back a lot. This should have been the easiest transaction possible, no chain and all documents filled in by both sides straight away.
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Posted 2 years ago
AVOID AT ALL COSTS!! We are buying a property and the sellers are using DC Law who have held up the process for months. We have been waiting for replies to enquiries for over 2 months and we should have completed by now. The estate agent, the seller and my conveyancer have had no luck whatsoever with contacting them. They are recommended by estate agents and I am not sure why as they are completely incompetent and will add more stress to what is already a stressful process. In the future, I will never involve myself in a transaction that involves DC Law.
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Posted 2 years ago
Shockingly bad. Our buyer is using this solicitor. 6 months and counting!! Avoid at all cost!
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Posted 2 years ago
I have been dealing with DC Law on a recent house sale for the last 4 months. This decision was based on a recommendation and not necessarily through choice. I have found DC Law to be extremely inefficient and at times exceptionally rude. I have had 3 conveyancers in 4 months and at no time was i informed of the change. I have struggled to receive information from them and the company has repeatedly "lost" correspondence which has delayed my case. Most recently, I was informed by DC Law that a very important document had been submitted to the Land Registry (which was pivotal in allowing the sale to complete), only to find, via the land registry, that the document was NEVER submitted. No-one ever answers the telephone (or returns calls) and emailing the Director is pointless. Please please please, do not ever use this company. Go to your local solicitors!
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Posted 2 years ago
The house that we are buying are using this firm. We have been waiting since 8th February and still waiting, chasing every single day and purple bricks are not getting a reply to their emails to them and not answering the phone so getting no answers there. We are getting closer to pulling out because there is no end in sight, DO NOT USE THIS FIRM, they are incompetent.
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Posted 2 years ago
DC Law is rated 1.2 based on 230 reviews